Hi. This is Sara. Glad to be here and to be able to share with you my love of Eva & Adam.
I found a bunch of pics that are larger than our originals. Please click on them to view them in their full-size.
2 Ellen pics I found today. And a Adam and Petra screen cap.
We`re looking for pics of your Eva & Adam books, dvd, cd`s and whatever else you may have. Show us your fandom!
Stuff about me that is related to EA:
Lovin Rebecka Liljeberg, Tove Edfeldt, Erik Johansson (have a crush on all 3) and Rosie Munter. Also a huge of fan of Play.
Other stuff:
Canadian, in my 30`s, saw NKOTBSB in concert, love Florida, Anglophile and Swedophile.
Feel free to email us at eacentralblog@yahoo.com.